ToonBot Update May 13th, 2012

I know I haven’t updated about the game in a while so here’s one to make up for that. I have now finished the second section of levels (called “Day 2” in game) and will be added the finishing touches such as adding secrets, treasures, and extra models to them. This now brings the current level count up to 12.

I will begin working on “Day 3” soon after finishing up the final touches to “Day 2” as well. If you guys have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to email me at or leave a comment here.

PS. Do you guys think there should be a lite version released early on? Like while I still work on full game? I will open a poll to see your opinions.


prime31 for iOS Development

Anybody interested in iOS development within Unity3D should definitely check out prime31’s website and their many plugins. I am checking out many of there products and I just thought that I would share how amazing some of this stuff looks with you guys. You can have anything from UI textures that do not weigh down your games, to GameCenter achievements and multiplayer. You can check out there website here!


And remember to check back in everyday for more ToonBot news, screenshots, and/or videos! And subscribe!


PS. Keep an eye on my YouTube channel here. Then you can get first looks at tons of ToonBot videos and more!

Screenshot and Video Posted!

I have just uploaded a new screenshot for level 2 of the game and also swing over to the videos section of the website and see a gameplay video of ToonBot. That is not the one from the counter over there on left side of the page. The video in the videos section is a way older video that I just through up but you can still get the point. The new video will still be coming April 8th!

Screenshot Page

Videos Page

What Exactly is ToonBot?

ScreenshotToonBot is a 3D Side Scrolling Platformer set to be released for iOS and Android in the near future. It involves a cartoon robot(hence ToonBot) that sets out on a journey through random locations in search of the princess ofthe blue bots. But to find her he must travel through strange(and silly) levels and fight the red bots and there king.

There is no release date at the moment but keep an eye on this sight and on the facebook page for ToonBot here and you will no miss out. The game is planning on having a lite version and a full version. The lite version will be free and will allow the player to try out the first six levels of the game. The full version will cost $.99 and will include all of the starting 36 levels(and all updates that will be added as well). Once the game is released, I will attempt to add at least 6 levels a month to the game.